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The following event rules are a complement and refer to the "Legal Terms". The ESM may modify, adapt, or improve these rules as long as they see fit for the good running of the league. |
1.1. Is a 6vs6 league in the “Capture the Flag” (CTF) modality.
1.2. The teams will have to pay a 10€ registration fee, which will be reimbursed at the end of the competition if the team has not been disqualified or leaves before the end of the league. For the PRO Circuit Leagues the enrollment fee is 15€ which will be NOT reimbursed at the end of the competition.
1.3. To know on which conference/league you will have to play each team must access the official servers and check their pings. If the ping does not exceed 75ms that will be the conference. The ESM™ provides the teams with a server in each active conference to let them perform all the required tests before the competition starts.
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#01
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#03
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#02 IP/PORT: |
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#04
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER US#01
1.4. The main language in the forums will be English, except for National Championships which will be the language of each country.
1.5. Remeber that befor your join a league:
a. Register your team and provide the Players ID (Arma 3 UiD) (FAQ: "How to create and register a Team [Short]").
b. Setup your roster with the minimum required players.
c. Joine the league.
1.6. The Organization expects a Fair Play on behalf of all the teams and players, do not forget that this is just a game.
2.1.1. A minimum of 6 teams must be enrolled in order for the league to begin.
2.1.2. Any team that wish to enrol needs to have access to a private game server with the required official configuration (see rule 2.7.2) in which to play the games. Each group can enroll more than one team.
2.1.3. Players must be enroled in only one team during the whole league. If they are in more, he will be kicked off from the league and the teams where he was enrolled in will be disqualified.
2.1.4. Players can be enroled once the league has begun.
2.1.5. Should a team play with a player that is not officially enrolled, or with a different UiD to the one given to the organisation, the player will be kicked from the tournament, the team will be punished with a severe infraction and the match will be regarded as loss by 0-5.
2.2.1. The Home team will have to publish its complete match proposal the week before the match (deadline on Sunday at 23:59 CET/CEST). Once the deadline is reached, it will no longer be possible to change the map proposed. After that, the Visitor team will have a 48 hours period (deadline Tuesday at 23:59 CET/CEST) to confirm and accept the proposal or to send a new proposal (only about day and time as the map is already chosen). If the Visitor team does not respond, the proposal of the Home team will be considered as accepted (Initial day and time, 1st option). If necessary and if both teams communicated (Home team and Visitor team), they have until Thursday at 23:59 CET/CEST to find an agreement. If the Thursday 23:59 CET/CEST deadline is reached without agreement, an additional day is granted (deadline Friday at 23:59 CET/CEST) to discuss whether the match will be played on Saturday at 20:00 CET/CEST or Sunday at 20:00 CET/CEST. If on Friday at 23:59 CET/CEST, both teams have not reached an agreement, the match will be played on Sunday at 20:00 CET/CEST.

A. The week before the match during which both teams may discuss to try to reach an agreement. It is highly recommended to publish the complete message with match details. If the Home team does not want to reveal the selected map until last minute, it is allowed. It has to be taken into account that if the message with the match details is not updated before the deadline (Sunday at 23:59 CET/CEST), the opportunity to choose the map goes to the Visitor team along with the proposal of the day and time.
B.If the Home team has posted correctly all the details of the match correctly, the Visitor team has 2 days (until Tuesday at 23:59 CET/CEST) to respond a first time by confirming or offering an alternative. If the Visitor team does not send any response, the first proposal of the Home will be applied.
C. If both teams have posted correctly and in time, the discussions to reach an agreement may last until Thursday at 23:59 CET/CEST.
D. Once the Thursday deadline is passed, the teams will have to discuss whether the match is played on Saturday (D1) or Sunday (D2) at 20:00 CET/CEST (time chosen by the event organization staff).
E. If no agreement is reached before Friday at 23:59 CET/CEST, the match will be played on Sunday at 20:00 CET/CEST with the players available on both teams at this time. It has to be remembered that if one team does not show up, the match will be automatically lost.
B.If the Home team has posted correctly all the details of the match correctly, the Visitor team has 2 days (until Tuesday at 23:59 CET/CEST) to respond a first time by confirming or offering an alternative. If the Visitor team does not send any response, the first proposal of the Home will be applied.
C. If both teams have posted correctly and in time, the discussions to reach an agreement may last until Thursday at 23:59 CET/CEST.
D. Once the Thursday deadline is passed, the teams will have to discuss whether the match is played on Saturday (D1) or Sunday (D2) at 20:00 CET/CEST (time chosen by the event organization staff).
E. If no agreement is reached before Friday at 23:59 CET/CEST, the match will be played on Sunday at 20:00 CET/CEST with the players available on both teams at this time. It has to be remembered that if one team does not show up, the match will be automatically lost.
2.2.2. To play a match every team must show up with at least half (50%) of the players (3 players) for that specific match. Otherwise, the team who does not fulfil the rule will forfeit the match by 0-5. The team will be punished with a severe infraction. A team will forfeit the match if the minimal number of players is not reached after 5 minutes from the start time.
2.2.3. Should neither team be present, the match will be regarded as loss by 0-5 to both teams.
2.2.4. Should a team forfeit from the league, they will be deleted along with all their results, and teams who have play against them will have one match less. In case they forfeit during the first round of the league it will be allowed to include the next team that is not participating.
2.2.5. Should a team not show up in two matches they will be disqualified from the league, along with all their scores, with application of rule 2.2.4.
2.2.6. Only a delay of 5 minutes per round/start will be allowed for the match.
2.2.7. Both rounds must take place the same day, not allowing to postpone any of them after making the agreement in the forum. Only due to server downtimes will it be possible, according to rule 2.2.13.
2.2.9. Matches will consist of two rounds in the same map and day, being each round of 30 minutes with a limit of 5 flags per round. Rounds will end in the regulation time or when a team captures 5 flags.
2.2.10. The local team chooses the map to be played (it must be one of the official maps of the league) and the side in which they want to play the first round (blue or red team). After playing the first round the teams must switch sides, allowing a 5 minute break. After this time the second round will begin.
2.2.11. Teams (winner and loser) must take a screenshot of the results and player scores after each round. The winning team must upload the screenshots to the event thread in our Discord (Chanell under MEDIA called #-results) of the match within 24 hours. If the winning team does not have the screenshots, the loser team must provide them. In case none of them can provide screenshots, the match will be regarded as loss by 0-5 to both teams.
2.2.12. The scoring of the matches is:
⬝ Win | 3 points |
⬝ Draw | 1 point |
⬝ Defeat | 0 points |
2.2.13. In case of a server downtime, the match will be restarted from the begin. If there is a second server downtime, the match will take place on one of the ESM Official servers the day, time and place (server) that the Organization decides.
2.2.14. The teams will have to be in the TeamSpak of the Organization in separate channels. Only the players who are going to play the matches may be present on it.
2.3.1. Everything with reference to the league result publication, member enrolment, and any other topic related to the management and/or organization of the competition has to be dealt through the forum or Discord. Any of these arrangements made out of this channels will not be valid.
2.3.2. Any incident will be managed trought the #-complaints Discord channel.
2.3.3. If you have a complaint you can file it in the next 24 hours on our Discord in the #-complaints channel. After the 24h the Organisation can archive the complaint.
2.4.1. Every player must have the last official version (not DEV version) of the game. Should a new patch of more than 500MB be released, teams may postpone their matches a week so every team can update their game clients and servers.
2.4.2. Mods and addons are not allowed exept if the maps are created with it.
2.4.3. Cheats are completely off-limits. The inability to fulfil this rule will mean the permanent ban of the player and the disqualification of the team from the tournament.
2.4.4. What is a “lag test” and how can we make it?:
We recommend that before the different matches a “5 min lag test” should be performed unless decided otherwise by both teams.
The round will begin announcing that a lag test is going to be carried out, leaving the mission running for a couple of minutes. Those minutes should be used to see if any player has desync.
Every player will go to the centre of the map. After they meet, the responsible person of a team will kill, one by one, all the rival players to see whether they die correctly. After that, the responsible player of the second team will do the same.
2.4.5. What happens when the server on which we have played does not have the official configuration of the ESM™?
The scores obtained on the rounds played on it will be valid.
If anyone notice that the server is not configured as it should be before finishing one of the two rounds 10 minutes will be given to solve this problem or the match will be moved to:
a. In the first place to the opponent's server.
b. If this one is on the same conditions then the match will be moved to the organization's official server.
c. If the organization's server is busy because of an official match the match will be postponed and it will have to be played during the following week as well as the one programed for that week, i.e., you will have to play the postponed match + the one corresponding to the next week.
NOTE | If a player has a ping of more than 75ms, it can be requested to move the match to one of the servers provided by the Organization. If it is still over 75ms, the player can not play and has to leave the server. The player can be replaced before the round begins.
2.5.1. Every accusation has to be made through the #-complaints Discord channel, and has to provide visual evidence (video, screenshot, or server logs). Without evidence, any complaint will be dismissed, and the organization may sanction the member that has committed this defamation.
2.5.2. Trying to cheat on the Organization with fake evidence will end in the permanent ban of the member.
2.6.1. Only the maps provided by the Organization can be used in matches. Under no circumstances will these maps be modified. Should any modification be detected, the owner of the server has 10min in order to update the maps and restart the match from the begin. The local team chooses the map to be played (it must be one of the official maps of the league) and the side in which they want to play the first round (blue or red team). After playing the first round the teams must switch sides, allowing a 5 minute break. After this time the second round will begin.
2.6.2. Each match, the home team will decide the side to begin the game.
2.6.3. Maps will have a “No entry area” surrounded by signposts marking the area where, in case of entering, the player will die. It is allowed to shot in or out of that area. There will be a script that will kill any enemy entering that line (“No entry area”)
2.6.4. There will be a small “respawn” area protected by both buildings and a script preventing spawn-killing. Shooting any person or vehicle in that area will no have a penalization.
2.6.5. Exploit/Bug abusing is forbidden. Proving with visual evidence that a team abusing game bugs, such as walking through walls, be under a building, or doing any physically impossible activity, the team that is abusing those bugs, the player will be kicked from the league, the match will be regarded as defeat by 0-5 and the team will be punished with a severe infraction (Team warning) . Should any editing problem arise, these have to be communicated immediately to the Organization so they can supervise and fix it.
2.6.6. Maps have 10 Spectator slots that can be used to supervise/stream in the following cases:
- The streaming slots can only be used by the organization or people designated by it.
- A team asks the Organization to supervise the match. Depending on availability of the Organization, the match will be supervised or not.
- Stream the match by an Official ESM™ broadcaster. This can only be done if a minimum of 10min delay is applied to the emission.
2.7.1. What is a “lag-test” and how can we make it?:
We recommend that before the different matches a “5 min lag test” should be performed unless decided otherwise by the teams.
The match will begin announcing that a lag test is going to be carried out, leaving the mission running for 5 minutes (Lag test can be set under Parameters in the game). Those minutes should be used to see if any player has desync.
Every player will go to the centre of the map. After they meet, the responsible person of a team will kill, one by one, all the rival players to see whether they die correctly. After that, the responsible player of the second team will do the same.
These are the maximum allowances/recommendation stated by the ESM™:
NOTE | *Player can join with a higher ping but if a team reports any issue during the 5 min Lag-test, they have to contact an admin in order to take a decision. Admin can dismiss player from the match if needed.
2.7.2. Every server must have the same configuration to play a match. This configuration is:
⬝ Veteran mode |
⬝ Third person view disabled |
⬝ Crosshairs disabled |
⬝ verifySignatures=2; (to avoid unsigned addons creating problems in the server) |
2.7.3. Should a player drop connection he can reconnect as much as needed, but only if that player was already in the game.
2.7.4. Player changes will not be allowed in a round unless done before the start of each round. If a player drops connections during a game and cannot reconnect, the affected team has to play with one player less during the round. Players cannot be replaced by other player until the end of the round.
2.7.5. If a team starts the round with less than 6 players, the rest of the players can join the match any time until the player’s number is reached.
The Organization may modify, adapt, or improve these rules as long as they see fit for the good running of the league.
Electronic Sports Masters™ | Where the challenge begins