Player list

Name Team Matches played Role Arma3 UiD Birth date Gender MVP
Forgotten Empire 0 0 0 Player 76561198051731122 Male
Operation Pandora Trigger 0 0 0 Player 76561198052374323 Male
GruppeW 3 3 7 Player 76561198052576534 Male
WASD 1 0 2 Manager 76561198052733637 Male
Wolf Corps 3 5 7 Player 76561198052867957 Male
DIVISIÓN HOPLITA 4 0 0 Manager 76561198053356064 Male
Task Force Spectre 0 0 0 Player 76561198053420605 Male
Zeus Operations 0 0 0 Player 76561198054576688 Male
Inglourious Basterds Clan 1 0 1 Player 76561198054711059 Male
FantastiqueWar 3 0 1 Player 76561198054755618 Male
Viking PMC 0 0 0 Player 76561198054832835 Male
Scandi Recon 3 3 2 Player 76561198055341115 Male
Legion LXI 0 0 0 Captain 76561198055353056 Male
Gruppe 9 0 0 0 Player 76561198055365378 Male
Pusha Family 0 0 0 Captain 76561198055561790 14-08-2000 (23) Male
Poachers Milsim 2 0 0 Manager 76561198056615581 Male
[88] Amn3sia 1 0 0 Player 76561198057114025 Male
United Nations Army 1 0 0 Player 76561198057373369 Male
4thIB Milsim 2 0 0 Captain 76561198057417517 Male
FKGaming 1 0 0 Player 76561198058603584 Male
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