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The following event rules are a complement and refer to the "Legal Terms" and "CTF Rules"
The ESM may modify, adapt, or improve these rules as long as they see fit for the excellent running of the tournament.
1.1. This Is a 6vs6 ELO ladder in the “Capture the Flag” (CTF) modality.
1.2. Free enrolment. 
1.3. The main language in the forums will be English.
1.4. Remember that before you join the ladder:
a. Register your team and provide the Players ID (Arma 3 UID) (FAQ: "How to create and register a Team [Short]").
b. Set up your roster with the minimum required players.
c. Join the ladder.
1.5. No prizes. 
1.6. The Organization expects Fair Play on behalf of all the teams and players, do not forget that this is just a game.
2. RULES  
2.1.1. Ladder Seasons: A Ladder season will begin one week after the previous official tournament and will end one week before the next.
2.1.2. Participation: Participation is not restricted to time. Register your team at any time during the season.
2.1.3. Match Challenge
Only N, N+1, N+2, N+3, N-1, and N-2 teams can be challenged. ("N" is your rank position)
In their first game, teams that join in progress will only be able to challenge the teams from the last third of the classification.
2.1.4. Challenge proposals will be valid for 24 hours after which they will automatically be rejected, and you cannot challenge the same team twice in a row.
A participating team can only have one active challenge at a time.
2.1.5. Challenge Procedure:

1. The Challenger must post the following form in our Discord under #ladder_challenge


a. New challenge
Challenger: <@ mention team name>
Challenged: <@ mention team name>

2. The Challenged has 24h to react to the invitation with ✅ or ❌ to accept or reject.
3. The Challenged and Challenger must communicate in a direct message to decide the date and time.
4. The Challenged always decides the map and 1st round side.
b. Result

1. The Challenged or Challenger must post two HD* screenshots of the result scoreboards of both rounds (#ladder_resultsladder_results). The screenshot must display the result AND the final scoreboard (displayed in the Game Over scene).
2. ESM Staff will react with a ✅ when the result has been processed
3. In case the screenshot is not readable or doesn't fit standards, the match can be rejected and will have to take place again.

*Contact ESM Staff if you don't know how to configure Steam HD screenshots

2.1.6. Ranking
Ranking will be determined according to the ELO rating system.
There are two and ONLY two factors that can affect a team’s ranking: Gain or Loss of points. Every point movement is automatically calculated by the ELO rating system and checked by the ESM Staff. The ranking can be found on the website under the ELO LADDER main menu.
2.1.7. List of maps that can be used during the ladder:
⬝ ESM | CTF - Chapoi [S] ⬝ ESM | CTF - Sofia [S]
⬝ ESM | CTF - Feres [S] ⬝ ESM | CTF - Storage [S]
⬝ ESM | CTF - Gravia [S] ⬝ ESM | CTF - The Factory [S]
⬝ ESM | CTF - Ifestiona [S] ⬝ ESM | CTF - Lobaka [S]
⬝ ESM | CTF - Neochori [S] ⬝ ESM | CTF - Tavu [S]
⬝ ESM | CTF - Sand River [M] ⬝ ESM | CTF - The Village [S]
2.1.8. For the final ranking, only the teams that have played a minimum of 5 games will be taken into consideration.
2.2.1. Should there be a draw in the ranking/match, it will be considered, from most to least important:
⬝ >Flags scored [FS]
⬝ >Flag touches [FT]
⬝ >Kills*
⬝ <Deaths*
⬝ Rematch 2 rounds on the same map
 *Without any vehicle. Only Infantry
2.2.2. The teams may register in any ladder they want as long as they meet the ping criteria. To know at which conference you will have to play each team must access the official servers and check their pings. If the ping does not exceed 75ms that will be the conference. The ESM™ provides the teams with a server in each active conference to let them perform all the required tests before the competition starts.
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#01
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#03
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#02
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER EU#04
Electronic Sports Masters | OFFICIAL SERVER US#01
2.2.3. Every enrolled team must provide the name of a registered Manager and/or team Captain (can be the same person). A minimum of 6 players must be enrolled per team, with no maximum amount. After creating the team, the Manager can register it for the desired open tournament. Otherwise, the Organisation can remove the team from the tournament so that another one can take his place.
Manager: They will be the responsible/representative people in the team.
Captain: They will perform the duties of the Manager in their absence.
2.2.4. Only players with a unique and valid ID will be allowed. Should two players be detected with an identical ID, they will be kicked off the tournament, and they will lose all their records.
2.2.5. Players must be enrolled in only one team during the whole Ladder.
2.2.6. A player who is not enrolled is not allowed to participate.
2.3.1. To play a match, every team must show up with at least half (50%) of the players (3 players) for that specific match. Otherwise, the team who does not fulfil the rule will forfeit the match by 0-5. A team will forfeit the match if the minimum number of players is not reached after 5 minutes from the start time.
2.3.2. Should neither team be present, the match will be regarded as a loss by 0-5 to both teams.
2.3.3. Only a delay of 5 minutes per round/start will be allowed for the match.
2.3.4. Both rounds must take place on the same day, and cannot be postponed, even if both teams agree. 
2.3.5. Teams (either one or both) are allowed to play with less but no more than 6 players (min. 3 players).
2.3.6. Matches will consist of two rounds on the same map and day, each round of 30 minutes with a limit of 5 flags per round. Rounds will end in the regulation time or when a team captures 5 flags.
2.3.7. Challenger team will play the first round as BLUE force. For the second round, the teams must switch sides.
2.3.8. Teams (winner and loser) must take a screenshot of the results and player scores after each round. The winning team must upload the screenshots to the event thread in our Discord (Channel under MEDIA called #-results) of the match within 24 hours. If the winning team does not have the screenshots, the loser team must provide them. In case none of them can provide screenshots, the match will be regarded as a loss by 0-5 to both teams.
2.3.9. The scoring of the matches is:
⬝ Win  Based on the ELO rating system
⬝ Defeat
⬝ Draw
2.3.10. In case of server downtime, the match will be restarted from the beginning. If there is a second server downtime, the match will take place on another ESM Official server.
2.3.11. All Teams and their players must be connected to the ESM Teamspeak server for the duration of their playtime. Only the players who are going to play the matches can be connected to the same channel as their team.
2.4.1. Everything concerning the tournament like result publication, member enrolment, and any other topic related to the management and/or organization of the competition has to be dealt with through Discord. Any of these arrangements made outside these channels will not be valid.
2.5.1. The map selection for the match will be defined by the Challenged team.
2.5.2. Maps have 10 Spectator slots that can only be used by the ESM or people designated by it.
2.6.1. What is a “lag-test” and how can we make it:
We recommend that before the different matches a “5-min lag test” should be performed unless decided otherwise by the teams.
The match will begin by announcing that a lag test will be carried out, leaving the mission running for 5 minutes (The lag test can be set under Parameters in the game). Those minutes should be used to see if any player has desync.
Every player will go to the centre of the map. After they meet, the responsible person of a team will kill, one by one, all the rival players to see whether they die correctly. Thereafter, the responsible player of the second team will do the same.
These are the maximum allowances/recommendation stated by the ESM™:


NOTE | *Players can join with a higher ping but if a team reports any issue during the 5 min lag-test, they have to contact an admin to take a decision. Admin can dismiss a player from the match if needed.
2.6.2. Should a player drop connection he can reconnect as much as required, but only if that player was already in the game. If a player drops connections during a game and cannot reconnect, the affected team has to play with one player less during the round. Player changes are not allowed in a round unless done before the start of each round. If a team starts the round with less than 6 players, the missing players can join the match at any time (JIP) until the max player number is reached.
2.6.3. Should desync be observed during a match, players must report it immediately to the admin. The Admin will be responsible for taking the decision to, kick the player, restart the round or let the game play.
If no Admin is available:
  1. Both teams should immediately agree on the previously listed action to take.
  2. If they cannot agree, the round should be completed without interruption.
  3. The unsatisfied team should file a complaint and provide evidence of a Server lag or a player desync (player list where the desync and ping is displayed).
Electronic Sports Masters™ | Where the challenge begins
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Electronic Sports Masters™ (ESM), is the world’s largest e-Sports organizer that produces online PvP video game competitions focused exclusively on Arma 3 and upcoming games in the series of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
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